Hello Livingstone Community,
We hope you all had a great week. We even got a glimpse of the sun which was a treat! This is a quick newsletter. We had a good turnout at the PAC meeting last week and if you are interested, you can access the minutes here. We received an informative construction update from Doug Roch, District Principal - Educational Planning Vancouver School Board, which included an overview of the project and the move in plan. We will be back at our Livingstone location Monday February 6th which is super exciting! Some other quick updates
Have a wonderful week!
Hello Livingstone Community,
Welcome back from the holidays! We hope everyone had a restful and wonderful holiday break. We’ve hit the ground running in January as we’ve welcomed students from Douglas Elementary, started prepping for our move back to our David Livingstone headquarters 😊 and started back up our Fun Lunch program - now 2 days a week! As an fyi, we will be adjusting our communications from the PAC slightly. At the start of every month you will receive information from the PAC via the school newsletter sent by Ms. Vieira. Mid month, you will receive the PAC newsletter which will include announcements and minutes from the PAC meeting (which will continue to occur the 3rd Wednesday of every month). For any adhoc messages from the PAC, we will leverage our Facebook group as well as our amazing class reps. As a reminder, you can visit the PAC website at http://www.livingstonepac.org/ for information or to sign up for this PAC newsletter. Our next PAC meeting is Wednesday, January 18th at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Please join us! The agenda can be found here. If you have any items you would like to add to the agenda, please email [email protected]. To join, please join this Teams link (we are using Teams just for this month). https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjA4ODMyNGQtOGZiMi00MWNhLTg4YTYtMzExNWVhODVkZThi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220b8a2e58-7b30-4a08-bab7-d75559e0e3a5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220cbdb809-0382-4b8e-9674-84b552084c42%22%7d Thanks and have a great week! |
About this blogThe communication committee contributes stories and news to this section. We also welcome submissions from any Livingstone family member – including kids! Let us know if you're interested, or just send along a story. Be sure to let us know how you want your byline listed. Archives
November 2024